Peter, a mischievous 21-year-old, finds himself on Santa's naughty list for his reckless behavior. On Christmas Eve, he's visited by Santa's futa helpers—Isabella, Clara, and Mia—sent to teach him a lesson. Initially defiant, Peter soon succumbs to their seductive discipline. Clara guides him through embarrassing yet enlightening encounters, Mia challenges him with physical trials, and Isabella provides emotional insights. Through these experiences, Peter learns humility, responsibility, and the unexpected pleasures of obedience, ensuring he'll strive to be on Santa's nice list in the future.
Peter, a mischievous 21-year-old, finds himself on Santa's naughty list for his reckless behavior. On Christmas Eve, he's visited by Santa's futa helpers—Isabella, Clara, and Mia—sent to teach him a lesson. Initially defiant, Peter soon succumbs to their seductive discipline. Clara guides him through embarrassing yet enlightening encounters, Mia challenges him with physical trials, and Isabella provides emotional insights. Through these experiences, Peter learns humility, responsibility, and the unexpected pleasures of obedience, ensuring he'll strive to be on Santa's nice list in the future.
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